SLUG AWAY Snail trap 2013 Kategorier: ,

Compact eco-friendly oil trap for snails. Easy to fill, empty and clean.


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It is a well-known fact that the beer drink can draw in many a two-legged creature, but snails seem to also have a taste for a bit of brew!

Look forward to crispy salads and other lovingly-planted vegetables. The beer trap makes it possible. Stop the beasties in their tracks and drive them wild with the seductive smell of beer.

The trap can be set up in any chosen location and can be easily filled, emptied and cleaned via the foldable lid. Compact measurements.

  • Compact beer trap for snails
  • Easy to fill, empty and clean
  • Eco-friendly (without poison/ chemicals)
  • Pet-friendly through plastic covering
  • UV-resistant plastic
  • No need to bury, simply set-up in the desired place

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